Food / Energy

Here you will find one of Sweden's widest selections of food and energy that is suitable for everything from hiking, running, cycling or everyday life.

Everything from sports drinks, gels, bars, protein powders and freeze-dried food.

We have a wide selection from a variety of more or less well-known brands. Adapted for everything from if you are looking for maximum power and kick during fast races to if you just want to be able to maintain a reasonable energy level during long hikes or a normal working day.

Do you feel unsure about how to think about energy plans or the like? You are very welcome to visit us in our store in Åre or contact us via email or phone.

Maurten Lidingöloppspaket

Maurten Lidingöloppspaket

289 kr
REAL Turmat Cod in Curry Sauce

REAL Turmat Cod in Curry Sauce

129 kr
REAL Turmat Reindeer Stew

REAL Turmat Reindeer Stew

139 kr
Umara Ski Package

Umara Ski Package

369 kr
Umara U Loader Watermelon 1000 grams

Umara U Loader Watermelon 1000 grams

199 kr 259 kr
Umara U Caffeine Soda (10pcs)

Umara U Caffeine Soda (10pcs)

39 kr
Umara U Bar Blueberry

Umara U Bar Blueberry

28 kr
Umara Big Bike Package

Umara Big Bike Package

519 kr
REAL Taco Stew

REAL Taco Stew

119 kr
REAL Turmat Asian Curry REAL Turmat Asian Curry

REAL Turmat Asian Curry

119 kr
Maurten Maurten Mix Box

Maurten Maurten Mix Box

679 kr
Maurten Gel 160 Maurten Gel 160

Maurten Gel 160

55 kr
Maurten Gel 160 Box Maurten Gel 160 Box

Maurten Gel 160 Box

519 kr
Neversecond C30 Fuel Bar - Chocolate Neversecond C30 Fuel Bar - Chocolate

Neversecond C30 Fuel Bar - Chocolate

22 kr 32 kr
Umara U Loader Pear/Vanilla 1000 grams

Umara U Loader Pear/Vanilla 1000 grams

199 kr 259 kr
REAL Tomato Soup REAL Tomato Soup

REAL Tomato Soup

79 kr
REAL Turmat Crunchy Granola REAL Turmat Crunchy Granola

REAL Turmat Crunchy Granola

79 kr
REAL Field Meal Pulled Pork

REAL Field Meal Pulled Pork

149 kr
Precision Fuel 30 Gel - 60 pack

Precision Fuel 30 Gel - 60 pack

1 549 kr
Precision Fuel 90 Gel 20 Pack

Precision Fuel 90 Gel 20 Pack

1 129 kr
Precision Fuel 300 Flow Gel

Precision Fuel 300 Flow Gel

189 kr 239 kr
Umara Marathon Package

Umara Marathon Package

259 kr
Trek'n Eat Egg Powder Trek'n Eat Egg Powder

Trek'n Eat Egg Powder

149 kr
REAL Turmat Beef Stew REAL Turmat Beef Stew

REAL Turmat Beef Stew

129 kr
Umara U Bar Apple/Cinnamon

Umara U Bar Apple/Cinnamon

28 kr
Trek'n Eat Chocolate Mousse Trek'n Eat Chocolate Mousse

Trek'n Eat Chocolate Mousse

89 kr
Trek'n Eat Coffee Arabica Trek'n Eat Coffee Arabica

Trek'n Eat Coffee Arabica

119 kr
Trek'n Eat Lemon Cream Trek'n Eat Lemon Cream

Trek'n Eat Lemon Cream

89 kr
Maurten Starter Kit

Maurten Starter Kit

179 kr
Maurten Solid C 160 Maurten Solid C 160

Maurten Solid C 160

35 kr
Maurten Solid C 160 Mix Box

Maurten Solid C 160 Mix Box

389 kr
Maurten Solid 160 Maurten Solid 160

Maurten Solid 160

35 kr
Umara Basic Training Package

Umara Basic Training Package

895 kr
Veloforte Mixed Energy Chews Veloforte Mixed Energy Chews

Veloforte Mixed Energy Chews

389 kr
Maurten Solid C 160 - Box Maurten Solid C 160 - Box

Maurten Solid C 160 - Box

389 kr
Maurten Solid 160 - Box Maurten Solid 160 - Box

Maurten Solid 160 - Box

389 kr
Umara Purist bottle 800ml

Umara Purist bottle 800ml

129 kr
Umara Purist bottle 650ml

Umara Purist bottle 650ml

119 kr
Precision Fuel Flow Bottle Precision Fuel Flow Bottle

Precision Fuel Flow Bottle

79 kr
Umara U Adventure Bar Go Nuts

Umara U Adventure Bar Go Nuts

19 kr 28 kr
Umara U Adventure Bar Go Nuts (12st)

Umara U Adventure Bar Go Nuts (12st)

229 kr 309 kr
Veloforte Desto Energy Gel Veloforte Desto Energy Gel

Veloforte Desto Energy Gel

29 kr
Umara U Bar Rhubarb (12pcs)

Umara U Bar Rhubarb (12pcs)

299 kr
Umara U Bar Rhubarb

Umara U Bar Rhubarb

28 kr
Umara U Shake Umara U Shake

Umara U Shake

49 kr
Precision Hydration - PH 500 x 24 Precision Hydration - PH 500 x 24

Precision Hydration - PH 500 x 24

2 095 kr
Näak Explorer pack Näak Explorer pack

Näak Explorer pack

419 kr
Näak Energy Bar - Mocha Näak Energy Bar - Mocha

Näak Energy Bar - Mocha

39 kr
Näak Energy Gel - Chocolate Näak Energy Gel - Chocolate

Näak Energy Gel - Chocolate

41 kr
Näak Energy waffel - Berries Näak Energy waffel - Berries

Näak Energy waffel - Berries

27 kr
Näak Energy waffel - Vanilla Näak Energy waffel - Vanilla

Näak Energy waffel - Vanilla

27 kr
Näak Protein Powder - Vanilla Näak Protein Powder - Vanilla

Näak Protein Powder - Vanilla

409 kr
REAL Field Chicken and Lime REAL Field Chicken and Lime

REAL Field Chicken and Lime

139 kr
Umara U Recover Chocolate 1 kg

Umara U Recover Chocolate 1 kg

389 kr
Umara U Caffeine Umara U Caffeine

Umara U Caffeine

59 kr
Maurten GEL 100 CAF Maurten GEL 100 CAF

Maurten GEL 100 CAF

45 kr
Maurten GEL 100 Maurten GEL 100

Maurten GEL 100

39 kr
Maurten DRINK MIX 160 BOX Maurten DRINK MIX 160 BOX

Maurten DRINK MIX 160 BOX

395 kr
Maurten DRINK MIX 160 Maurten DRINK MIX 160

Maurten DRINK MIX 160

29 kr
Maurten DRINK MIX 320 BOX Maurten DRINK MIX 320 BOX

Maurten DRINK MIX 320 BOX

449 kr 495 kr
Maurten DRINK MIX 320 Maurten DRINK MIX 320

Maurten DRINK MIX 320

39 kr
Maurten DRINK MIX 320 CAF 100 Maurten DRINK MIX 320 CAF 100

Maurten DRINK MIX 320 CAF 100

45 kr
Umara U Recover Vanilla 1.2 kg

Umara U Recover Vanilla 1.2 kg

469 kr
REAL Field Meal Pasta Provence REAL Field Meal Pasta Provence

REAL Field Meal Pasta Provence

129 kr
REAL Meat Soup with Beef REAL Meat Soup with Beef

REAL Meat Soup with Beef

79 kr
REAL Light Meal Fruit Muesli REAL Light Meal Fruit Muesli

REAL Light Meal Fruit Muesli

89 kr
REAL Reindeer Soup REAL Reindeer Soup

REAL Reindeer Soup

79 kr
REAL Chicken Soup

REAL Chicken Soup

79 kr
REAL Field Meal Chicken Curry

REAL Field Meal Chicken Curry

129 kr
REAL Turmat Thai Red Curry

REAL Turmat Thai Red Curry

119 kr
REAL Turmat Kebab Stew

REAL Turmat Kebab Stew

119 kr
REAL Turmat Chocolate Muesli

REAL Turmat Chocolate Muesli

79 kr
REAL Turmat Fruit Muesli

REAL Turmat Fruit Muesli

79 kr
REAL Turmat Chili con Carne

REAL Turmat Chili con Carne

119 kr
REAL Turmat Chicken Curry

REAL Turmat Chicken Curry

119 kr
REAL Turmat Pasta Bolognese

REAL Turmat Pasta Bolognese

119 kr
Umara U Gel Lemon (50ml)

Umara U Gel Lemon (50ml)

29 kr
Maurten 500ml Water Bottle Maurten 500ml Water Bottle

Maurten 500ml Water Bottle

59 kr
Maurten 750ml Water Bottle Maurten 750ml Water Bottle

Maurten 750ml Water Bottle

69 kr
Precision Hydration PF 30 Gel

Precision Hydration PF 30 Gel

35 kr
Precision Hydration PH 1000 Precision Hydration PH 1000

Precision Hydration PH 1000

119 kr
Veloforte Riba Energy Gel

Veloforte Riba Energy Gel

29 kr
Veloforte Primo Energy Gel

Veloforte Primo Energy Gel

29 kr
Veloforte Doppio Energy Gel Veloforte Doppio Energy Gel

Veloforte Doppio Energy Gel

29 kr
Maurten pack for Vasaloppet Maurten pack for Vasaloppet

Maurten pack for Vasaloppet

369 kr
Umara U Gel Grape + Caffeine

Umara U Gel Grape + Caffeine

29 kr
Umara U Gel Lemon 12*50ml

Umara U Gel Lemon 12*50ml

319 kr
Precision Fuel PF 90 Gel Precision Fuel PF 90 Gel

Precision Fuel PF 90 Gel

79 kr
Precision Hydration PH 1500

Precision Hydration PH 1500

119 kr
Precision Hydration PH 500

Precision Hydration PH 500

119 kr
Precision Hydration PH 250

Precision Hydration PH 250

119 kr
Umara U Sport Orange (1.8kg)

Umara U Sport Orange (1.8kg)

409 kr
Umara U Beta-Alanine (200g)

Umara U Beta-Alanine (200g)

125 kr
Umara U Gel Cola+ (33ml/42g)

Umara U Gel Cola+ (33ml/42g)

22 kr
Umara U Gel Lemon (12-pack)

Umara U Gel Lemon (12-pack)

229 kr
Precision Hydration - PH 250 x 12

Precision Hydration - PH 250 x 12

1 229 kr
Precision Hydration - PH 500 x 12 Precision Hydration - PH 500 x 12

Precision Hydration - PH 500 x 12

1 229 kr
Umara Bio-bottle 1000ml

Umara Bio-bottle 1000ml

55 kr
Umara Bio-bottle 750ml

Umara Bio-bottle 750ml

49 kr
Umara Bio-bottle 500ml

Umara Bio-bottle 500ml

45 kr
Umara Trail package

Umara Trail package

195 kr
Lifeventure Flight Bottle Set

Lifeventure Flight Bottle Set

159 kr
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