Body Glide Her
Stop irritation, abrasion and raw skin caused by rubbing. Brilliant!
Prevention is better than a cure!
Prepare before you leave! Make sure your skin is protected!
All day in sports or work Prolonged in hot or cold weather, whether it is humid or dry. And it's easy to apply.
When you start the day or at any time. Put it on the thighs, neck, arms, chest, buttocks or feet, wherever the skin is likely to be rubbed by clothing, shoes or equipment.
First choice
Better than wet and sticky liquids, creams, gels, powders or oils. And it stays where you need it.
Water and sweat resistant
Sweat comes out. The skin breathes. Will not clog pores.
Vitamins A, B and E for skin health, and known to promote healthy skin.
Properties to help keep the skin moisturized.
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